Thao Moua

Thoj Muas

Birthday: January 16th, 2000

Birthplace: Watthom Krabok, Thailand

Hobbies: Gaming, Sports, Photography

Places Travelled: Thailand and the USA (Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Washington DC)

Why did the blind man fall down the well... Because he couldn't see that well...

I lost my job at the bank on my very first day. A woman asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.

"My greatest assests are my hands, they're always there for me on those lonely, cold, hard school nights...when you need an essay typed by midnight" - ThaoM.

John Glenn Middle School

Capitol Hill Magnet

College Interesting Field Average Tuition
University of Minnesota International Business $45,583.66
University of Chicago Business $74,526
MIT Computer Engineering $45,016